frequently asked questions


What size should I get?

Please refer to our size charts for each garment. We'd recommend measuring your favourite piece of clothing and comparing it with our measurement chart to get a gist of how it will fit.

Where are you based?

Currently based in Vancouver BC

Do you ship internationally?

Yes. We use Canada Post to ship internationally.

How long do pre-orders take?

Usually around 6-8 weeks. Do refer to the description of the garment to get the accurate time estimation.

When will I receive my order?

It takes around 1 week for us to process your order and depending on where you're situated, shipping can take in between 3 days to 3 weeks.

Are there import fees?

Your country may charge additional fees on the package as it's being delivered. Please take note that we are not responsible for any additional fees. If the you refuse to pay the additional fees and the package is returned to us, we will not be able to offer refunds on the shipping.

How do I wash my items?

We recommend washing inside-out in cold then either hang drying or low heat.


Can I return or exchange items in my order?

Please refer to our shipping and return policy.

Some items in my order are missing.

Please contact us at or through the contact from and we will do our best to get you your missing item.

Can I cancel my order?

We are happy to offer cancellations with full refunds for orders that have not shipped. Please contact us at or through the contact form before requesting a chargeback with your bank or creating a claim with Paypal.

My order arrived defective.

Please contact us at or through the contact form with pictures and descriptions of the damaged or defective item(s) and we'll be happy to send you a replacement or issue you a refund. Depending on the item you may be required to return the item before you receive the replacement or refund.


Tracking says delivered, but I did not receive a package.

If you can't find your package and you're certain it's not at your residence, please contact the shipping carrier and submit a claim for your lost package before contacting our support team.

For orders shipped with Canada Post, please open a ticket

Can I change my shipping address?

We are able to change shipping addresses any time before the shipping label is created. Please contact us as soon as possible to prevent failed deliveries.

for any further questions and support, please contact us.

alternatively you can email us at

or direct message us on instagram @ha.lftone